Sunday, October 06, 2013

The Future of Gender: kids know who they are.

Sweden has recently created the word gen to refer to any person with no regard to their gender. Social roles and standars frequently make things go wrong and probably it is time stop telling our kids who they are or who they must be to elt their inner identity bloom.

More and more kids find their true identities at a younger age. probably in the future more gens will show a step in evolution to our social and personal identities and make a difference to the human race.

We all love Cassidy and all transgender queens!


Hopefully a growing trend, high schools in America are trying to become more tolerant and civilized. This case let us see that American teenagers have a different mindset about their lives and their relationships than their parents had.

Teenagers at Huntington Beach School have shown a different face of the average hateful, arrogant stereotype we see in movies and tv shows. Cassidy Lynn Campbell a 16 year old transgender student has been voted Homecoming Queen.

This is the America we want to be proud in the future, not the bullying one.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

LGBT Rights: Green Vs Red in the European Union

The may 2013 LGBT rights by Ilga shows very interesting features. A greener west with the absence of Italy, a not so green Germany, Switzerland and Austria and a very homophobic Russian Federation. While in the USA Equal Marriage is becoming a hot trend in Europe things do not stop changing. 

What is your opinion about this? How green or red is your own country?

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

We want a pink world map

Good News!!!  UK has been next and France has been too.... They  have entered the club of civilized countries by legalizing Equal Marriage this week. But still looking at the world map and comparing theses 11 trendsetter countries, that have approved equal marriage against so many others that still penalize and moralize the topic, we have a lot of work ahead and still a lot to talk about. Which country may be next?